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How to Use a Joint Roller: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Use a Joint Roller: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted by DaySavers Team on Jul 30th 2024

For many cannabis enthusiasts, rolling the perfect joint by hand can be a challenging skill to master. For many, using a machine of some kind is the easiest answer.

Also known as joint rolling machines, joint filling machines, or weed rollers, a joint roller makes it easy to create uniform, well-packed joints with minimal effort. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to use a joint roller effective.

Table of Contents
  1. What is a Joint Roller?
  2. Benefits Of Using A Joint Roller
  3. Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Joint Roller
  4. Tips for Using Your Joint Roller
  5. Using A Joint Roller For Blunts
  6. How To Roll A Blunt With A Joint Roller
  7. Things to Consider About Using a Joint Roller
  8. Want An Even Easier Method Than A Joint Roller?
  9. Final Thoughts on Joint Roller

What is a Joint Roller?

A joint roller is a small mechanical device designed to simplify the process of rolling cannabis joints. It typically consists of two rollers and an apron or belt that helps shape the joint. Joint rollers come in various sizes to accommodate different paper lengths and desired joint thicknesses.

Benefits of Using a Joint Roller

Aside from the ease of use, using a joint roller has several advantages, especially for the beginner roller.

First, a joint roller can provide a consistency of shape and size that is difficult for even the most experienced hand-roller to match. On top of that, because of the way a joint roller works, the joints they produce have a consistent diameter throughout the final product.

Joint rollers can also be a major time-saver for consumers who roll a lot of joints, as well as reduce wasted cannabis by keeping the flower contained within the machine.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Joint Roller

OK, now we get down to brass tacks. While using a joint roller is not particularly difficult, it does take a little practice. Follow these steps to produce a consistent, high-quality joint.

  1. Gather Your Materials: You are going to need your cannabis, your rolling papers, your joint roller and, if you want, your premium filter tip. Make sure to grab all of your essentials before moving to the next step.
  2. Grind your Cannabis: One of the keys to a well rolled joint, whether done by hand or using a joint roller, is making sure your flower is ground to a consistent size. This creates a smoother joint that is less likely to contain air pockets that can cause canoeing or running.
  3. Open the Roller: Open your joint rolling machine by separating the two rollers. Most models have a hinge on one side.
  4. Add Ground Cannabis: Sprinkle your ground cannabis evenly along the length of the roller. Don't overfill - start with less than you think you'll need.
  5. Add a Filter Tip (Optional): If using a filter, like a glass filter tip or a wood filter tip, place it at one end of the rolling machine.
  6. Close and Shape: Carefully close the joint roller. Gently roll both rollers forward (away from you) simultaneously with your thumbs to start shaping the joint.
  7. Insert the Rolling Paper: Place a rolling paper between the rollers with the adhesive strip facing up and toward you. Make sure it's centered and tucked in evenly on both sides.
  8. Tuck and Roll: Continue rolling forward until you see the paper start to curl around the cannabis. This "tucks" the edge of the paper.
  9. Seal the Joint: Keep rolling until only the adhesive strip is visible. Lick or moisten the adhesive and roll one final time to seal the joint.
  10. Remove the Joint: Open the roller and carefully remove your perfectly rolled joint.
  11. Twist the End (Optional): Gently twist the open end of the joint to keep the cannabis from falling out, if necessary.

Tips for Using Your Joint Roller

  • Grind your cannabis to a medium consistency for best results. We recommend 7-10 turns of a standard grinder.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Like anything, you’re only going to get good at using a joint roller if you work at it.
  • Clean your joint roller regularly to keep it functioning smoothly. A little alcohol rubbed across the surface will help remove any unwanted resin left on it by your flower.

Using A Joint Roller For Blunts

If you’re looking for a slower, richer smoking experience, it’s time to upgrade to a blunt.

Though traditionally made by cracking open a cigar and using the outer wrap like you would a rolling paper, modern blunt smokers can find their choice of ready-made blunt wraps at their local smoke shop. Whether you choose to go with traditional tobacco wraps or a more modern version like hemp wraps, a joint roller can help you if you don’t know how to roll a blunt or if you want to speed up or improve your rolling process.

How To Roll A Blunt With A Joint Roller

Overall, the process is similar to rolling a joint, though a little more moisture may be necessary to make the blunt wrap, which is usually larger and thicker than a rolling paper, pliable enough to work with the joint roller.

You are also going to need a king size joint roller – or trim your blunt wraps – to ensure they fit in your joint roller.

Start with the same beginning steps, grinding your cannabis, adding it to the roller and then closing the roller. Give it a few rolls on its own to get it in the right shape.

Then, moisten your blunt wrap to prevent it from cracking inside the joint roller. Gently feed it into your roller the same way you would a rolling paper. Roll both of the machine's rollers between your fingers slowly, pulling the blunt wrap into the machine and around the flower until only a small line of blunt wrap sticks out.

Next, simply lick the wrap and roll the rest in. Blunt wraps do not have an adhesive strip, so a little moisture is going to be necessary here.

Finally, remove your blunt from the joint roller. Add a little more moisture if necessary and let your blunt dry for a minute while you get a lighter and prepare for your session.

Things to Consider About Using a Joint Roller

While joint rollers offer many benefits, you’ll want to consider a few factors before deciding to use them:

  • Limited Customization: Joint rollers produce uniformly shaped joints, which may not suit everyone's preferences. Hand-rolling allows for more creativity in joint size and shape.
  • Learning Curve: While generally easier than hand-rolling, using a joint roller still requires practice. Some users may find it frustrating at first.
  • Size Restrictions: Most joint rollers come in standard sizes, limiting your options for very small or large joints.
  • Potential for Over-Packing: It's easy to overfill a joint roller, resulting in a too-tight joint that's difficult to smoke.
  • Less "Craft" Feel: Some cannabis enthusiasts enjoy the art and skill of hand-rolling. Using a machine may feel less personal or satisfying.
  • Dependency: Relying on a joint roller may prevent you from developing hand-rolling skills, which can be useful in situations where a roller isn't available.
  • Maintenance Required: Joint rollers can accumulate residue over time, requiring regular cleaning to function properly.
  • Not Suitable for All Materials: Some types of cannabis or rolling papers may not work well with certain joint rollers.
  • Cost: While generally inexpensive, a joint roller is an additional cost compared to just using papers.
  • Fragility: Plastic joint rollers can break if dropped or handled roughly, requiring replacement.

Despite these potential drawbacks, many users find that the benefits of consistency and ease-of-use outweigh the negatives. As with any cannabis consumption method, personal preference plays a significant role in whether a joint roller is right for you.

Want An Even Easier Method Than A Joint Roller?

If all of this sounds too complicated, there is still an easier way to go: buy packs of pre rolled cones or pre rolled blunts and simply fill them and close the top of the cone, either with a fold or a twist.

You can pack your cone by hand by adding small amounts of flower and then tamping with a small tamping stick until full, use a manual cone filling machine or even upgrade to a small cone filling machine like the Perfect Pack, which can fill pre-roll cones and tubes in just seconds.

Final Thoughts on Joint Rollers

Whether you call it a joint roller, joint filling machine or weed roller, this simple device can significantly improve your joint rolling experience.

With a bit of practice, you'll be creating perfectly shaped joints in no time.

For many cannabis enthusiasts, rolling the perfect joint by hand can be a challenging skill to master. For many, using a machine of some kind is the easiest answer.