This cigar rolling machine is perfect for craft producers who are looking to produce a pre-roll cigar which will differentiate their brand by creating a one-of-a-kind smoking experience. The Wood Cigar Roller has the capability to roll full leaf cigars and what the cannabis industry knows as "cannagars". Our cigar roller has the capability to roll perfect cigars or cannagars in mere seconds! If your brand offers a variety of different pre-roll options we also offer a pre-roll joint roller and a pre-roll cigarette roller so there is no doubt that we have the perfect addition to your pre-roll process!
The Wood Cigar is made in the USA and is handcrafted from from solid walnut and brass so you know you are getting a product of the utmost quality. The best part about the Wood Cigar Roller is that it is easy to learn and simple to use - by adding this simple addition to your pre-rolling process you will be churning out perfectly rolled cigars or cannagars like a pro and in return maximize your potential pre-roll output.
With this cigar roller you have the ability to adjust it to different sizes. The Wood Cigar Roller has the capability to roll a whole leaf tobacco so you are able to create the perfect premium cigars or cannagars. The Wood Cigar roller has the capability to roll cigars ranging from 32 to 64 gauge in diameter with cigars up to 9.5 inches long! This simple addition to your pre-roll production process allows you to expand your brand with a variety of different cigars/cannagars to offer!
The Wood Cigar Roller is compatible with a variety of filters such as glass and wood tips. If you are just starting out your pre-roll line or are looking to introduce cigar style pre-rolls to your product line then consider bundling the Wood Cigar Roller with glass and wood tips! By adding filter tips to your pre-rolls you are adding an extra layer of filtration, enhance the smoking experience and give your pre-rolls a classy and elegant look and feel!